Home Procarsa, Surpapelcorp Procarsa, Surpapelcorp In brief Finnfund provides financing for Procarsa, one of the leading packaging companies in Ecuador, and paper mill Surpapelcorp. Surpapelcorp uses recycled corrugated and cardboard materials in its paper production process. The company has created its recycled waste paper supply chain (a subsidiary called RePapers). Procarsa mainly uses paper produced by Surpapelcorp in its cardboard box production. Finnfund is providing sustainable long-term financing and working capital for the borrowers. Main development impact The activities of the borrowers promote a circular economy by using recycled raw materials. Significant development impacts have been reached with the proactive work related to the supply chain of waste corrugated paper and cardboard. Investment details Name: Procarsa, Surpapelcorp Project number: 80000112 Region: Latin America and the Caribbean Country: Ecuador Sector: Forestry Signing date (month/year): October 2020 Currency: USD Finnfund's financing (commitment): 9,000,000 Instrument: Loan Size of the project financing: USD 82.5 million syndicate Share of Finnfund's financing (%): 11 % Status: Active Website: procarsa.com.ec Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year.October Read our transparency and disclosure policy More information: Ajankohtaista ja julkaisut Nykyiset investoinnit Toimialat Yhteystiedot Key facts Name: Procarsa, Surpapelcorp Sector: Forestry Region: Latin America and the Caribbean Country: Ecuador Currency: USD Finnfund's financing (commitment): 9,000,000 Signing date (month/year): October 2020 Last update: December 2020