Home Darby International Capital Latin American Fund IV Darby International Capital Latin American Fund IV In brief Darby International Capital Latin American Fund IV is a closed-end private credit fund focusing on Latin America. The fund will target various sectors including infrastructure and logistics, natural resources and agribusiness industries, manufacturing, healthcare and consumer products. The target commitment amount of the fund is USD 400 million. The fund will target investing at least 50% of the total commitments in projects related to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. Geographically, the fund will focus on Latin America (primary countries being Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). The fund will be managed by Darby International Capital LLC. Main development impact Climate change is explicitly part of the Fund’s overall investment strategy. Darby is the first private credit fund in the LAC region with a climate mandate. The fund is targeting 50% of its invested capital for investment in climate finance transactions, i.e. financing for mid-market enterprises that drive mitigation and/or adaptation. In addition, the fund is committed to promoting gender equality, understanding that women’s empowerment is central to the effectiveness and sustainability of its portfolio companies and to creating social and economic value more broadly. Overall, in the developing markets in the region, unemployment, informal employment, and disconnectedness from the economy are key barriers to dignified living and broad-based economic growth. Improving the quality of work also benefits not just workers but all stakeholders. Companies in the fund portfolio have the potential to benefit underserved individuals who may lack access to basic goods and services, build and operate crucial infrastructure needed for communities, preserve ecosystems, and promote responsible production. Investment details Name: Darby International Capital Latin American Fund IV Project number: 80000506 Region: Latin America Country: Latin America Sector: General fund Signing date (month/year): June 2024 Currency: USD Finnfund's financing (commitment): 15,100,000 Instrument: Fund Status: Active Website: https://darbyinternational.com/ Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year. Companies financed by the fund Name Sector Region Country Brix Energia Solar farm Latin America Brazil Read our transparency and disclosure policy More information: Ajankohtaista ja julkaisut Nykyiset investoinnit Toimialat Yhteystiedot Key facts Name: Darby International Capital Latin American Fund IV Sector: General fund Region: Latin America Country: Latin America Currency: USD Finnfund's financing (commitment): 15,100,000 Signing date (month/year): June 2024 Last update: September 2024