April 12, 2018
Finnfund updated its strategy
Finnfund’s Board of Directors has approved a new strategy for the company, setting operational guidelines until 2025.
Finnfund’s mission is to build a better world by investing in responsible and profitable businesses in developing countries. The company’s vision is to be, by 2025, a valued partner and frontrunner in impact among European development finance institutions.
Finnfund puts special emphasis on sectors that are critical to sustainable development, namely clean energy, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, and the financial sector. The company can finance also other sectors, provided the projects generate strong development impact.
Climate change, youth unemployment and other global challenges call for urgent private investments. The UN estimates that developing countries will need up to USD 2,500 billion in investments annually to meet the sustainable development goals.
Finnfund and its professional partners help make those investments happen in a responsible, impactful and profitable manner.
Finnfund’s strategy highlights four areas:
- Delivering, analysing and communicating the development outcomes of Finnfund’s projects.
- Doubling the operational volume and directing funds to responsible, effective and profitable projects.
- Mobilising additional funding and convincing private investors of Finnfund’s capacity to manage funds.
- Improving policies and procedures while respecting the work of colleagues and stakeholders.
- All Finnfund activities are guided by a set of four principles: Impact, responsibility, profitability and professionalism.
In the strategy process we have taken into account the growing need for development finance, stewardship by our state owner, growing demands on corporate responsibility and Finnfund’s comparative advantages in key sectors.
Read the whole strategy: