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Financial institutions

Finnfund promotes financial inclusion by investing in selected financial service providers, including commercial banks, inclusive insurance, and financial innovations.

Over a third of the world’s adult population has limited or no access to official financial services. Most of these people live in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

The growth of mobile banking lays the foundation for making official financial services available to all. This mainly benefits people with low income or who live in remote areas or are difficult to reach for other reasons. Access to financial services also empowers women.

Credible, reasonably-priced financing helps small farmers and entrepreneurs, thus paving the way for economic growth and new jobs.

At the end of 2023, Finnfund’s investments (portfolio and commitments) in this sector were worth 266.7 million euros, representing approximately 24 per cent of our portfolio. In 2022, Finnfund’s portfolio included 18 financial institutions whose combined loan portfolio stood at 40 billion euros. Approximately one third (10 billion euros) of this was micro and SME (MSME) loans of an average size of 1,686 euros. These companies granted 6 million MSME loans in total, worth 10 billion euros, of which 68% were for female customers. Read more in our annual report.

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See video on investments in financial institions

Promoting financial inclusion through financial institutions is one of our key priorities.

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Examples of investments


Contact us:

Antti Urvas
Associate Director, Head of Financial Institutions portfolio
tel. +358 45 113 0547

Ulla-Maija Rantapuska
Investment Manager
tel. +358 41 536 5631

Antti Partanen
Investment Manager
tel. +358 41 468 6333

Väinö Esilä
Portfolio Manager
tel. +358 50 568 5556

Kyaw Latt
Investment Manager
tel. +358 40 631 2941