Home InvestingLooking for an investor? Looking for an investor?Finnfund expects all its investments to be profitable, environmentally and socially responsible and produce measurable development impact in their target countries. Finnfund expects all its investments to be profitable, environmentally and socially responsible and produce measurable development impact in their target countries. Finnfund puts special emphasis on sectors that are critical to sustainable development, namely renewable energy, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, financial institutions and digital infrastructure and solutions. We do invest in other good projects as well when they match our investment strategy and meet our requirements. We also have special focus on investments that advance gender equality and which mitigate climate change and help people in developing countries adapt to it. Good to know about Finnfund financing We invest only in developing countries as defined by OECD/DAC Our financing can be in the form of equity, mezzanine financing or debt. Finnfund’s share in new companies is always smaller than the share of the project sponsor but can be greater in expansion investments. We only invest in privately owned business. Our financing is always on market terms. Ticket size varies from one million to 25 million euros. Our financing can be in either euros or in US dollars. We are looking for: Profitability Environmental and social responsibility Measurable development impact Smallholders picking pyrethrum flowers in their farm in Nakuru county, Kenya. Photo: Kentegra Biotechnology Investment process – how to get started? 1. Contact Finnfund's investment team Open Sulje We have more than 30 impact investment professionals in Finnfund. Contact the person responsible for your business sector. Contact information can be found here: Forestry Agriculture Digital infrastructure and solutions Financial institutions Energy Other sectors 2. Present your project plan Open Sulje For project appraisal, we will need a project plan developed by the client. We advise you to contact us already when designing the project as our experts have considerable experience on business operations in the developing markets. For project appraisal, we need a project plan developed by the client. Read more for instructions. 3. Assessment of environmental and social responsibility Open Sulje Environmental and social requirements are determined case-by-case. At the start of the process, we make sure that projects meet Finnfund’s basic environmental, social and governance standards. Environmental and social responsibility assessments also help set the terms of funding. 4. Development impact assessment Open Sulje The development impacts are assessed before the investment decision and during the entire life cycle of the investment. This ex ante assessment focuses e.g. on the strategic relevance of the project, the importance for the market development of the target country, and the financial and other additionality of Finnfund’s participation. It is also important to assess the impacts from the perspective of the poor and women. 5. Investment decision Open Sulje We strive to keep our investment process swift and flexible. Investment decision is usually taken within 3 to 4 months from first contact. The final investment decision is taken by the Finnfund Board of Director based on proposals from the Finnfund management. The Board usually meets once a month. Finnfund's investments removed a total of 98,000 tCO₂e-evk. more than they emitted (2022) Annual Report 2023 Number of investment decisions in portfolio 198 in 53 countries (2023) Annual Report 2023 Through digital solutions and infrastructure 153 million people served (2022) Annual Report 2023 In 2022 83,000 direct jobs Business sectors Read more about the sectors Finnfund puts special emphasis on sectors that are critical to sustainable development, namely renewable energy, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, financial institutions and digital infrastructure and solutions. We do invest in other good projects as well when they match our investment strategy. Forestry Finnfund is a leading global investor in forestry. Finnfund invests in commercial plantations and related industries, such as sawmills and plywood mills. Renewable energy Finnfund invests in wind, solar, hydro and bioenergy, as well as energy efficiency and storage. Financial institutions Finnfund invests in microfinance institutions, other financial institutions and inclusive insurance companies. Agriculture Finnfund invests in the entire value chain of agriculture with the aim of improving primary farm production. Digital infrastructure and solutions Building digital infrastructure and developing digital solutions can contribute to solving many global challenges. Other sectors Besides our main sectors, we do invest in other good projects as well when they match our investment strategy and meet our requirements.