Sanergy Inc.
Region and country of operations: Africa, Kenya
Jurisdiction of registration: Kenya
Business sector: Waste management and recycling
Date of agreement (month/year): 5/2017
Finnfund’s financing: USD 1,249,999
Share of Finnfund’s financing: 10%
Size of project/financing: USD 12,000,000
Environmental and social category: B+
Project description
Sanergy is aiming to build healthy, prosperous communities by making hygienic sanitation affordable and accessible throughout Nairobi’s informal settlements. Sanergy converts waste to useful end-products such as fertilizers, animal feed and biogas. With funding provided by Finnfund, the company is expanding its activities in Nairobi and other parts of Kenya.
To produce the fertilizer, Sanergy co-compost waste with sawdust, other carbon sources and effective micro-organisms, which eliminates pathogens. Then, the compost is let to mature in windrows. Once ready, every batch of fertilizer is tested by third parties to ensure compliance with World Health Organization standards. To produce the insect-based animal feed, Sanergy has a colony of Black Solider Flies, whose larvae consume organic waste, removing the pathogens and converting the waste into protein. Boiled and sun-dried to eliminate any pathogens, the larvae make a sustainably produced, nutrient-rich protein input for animal feed. 100% of the waste is safely treated.
Main development impact
The concept is innovative and supports domestic, organic and responsible production of fertilizers and animal feed in Kenya.
Sanergy also provides access to affordable hygienic and safe sanitation. It operates over 2,250 active toilets in informal settlements serving more than 90,000 community residents per day. In 2018, 680 truckloads of waste were safely removed from the community and treated safely. Sanergy employs over 250 team members. In an area with approximately 40% unemployment, more than 60% of team members live in informal settlements served by Sanergy. Sanergy has helped informal settlement residents open and start Fresh Life businesses. These micro-entrepreneurs have created jobs for neighbors who run their daily business operations.