A.T. Biopower Company Limited
Region and country of operations: Asia, Thailand
Jurisdiction of registration: Thailand
Business sector: Biopower
Date of agreement (month/year): 3/2023
Instrument: Equity
Finnfund’s financing: USD 13,000
Share of Finnfund’s financing: 37.4%
Size of project/financing: 35,000
Environmental and social category: B
Project description
ATB is a 20 MW rice-husk-fired renewable energy power plant operating in Thailand. The power plant is located in one of the key rice-growing areas of Thailand. The project started commercial operations in December 2005 and Finnfund has been a shareholder in ATB since it was established.
Main development impact
In 2021, the attributed avoided emissions of A.T. Biopower were 11.4% of the total avoided emissions of Finnfund’s portfolio, making the company the third largest contributor to the avoided emissions of the portfolio. The company has contributed to the local economy through taxes and salaries of approximately EUR 1.5 million per year.
More information
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