Home ImpactPolicies and statementsOur work in practice Our work in practice Read more about our work in various themes Responsible tax principles We believe that responsible tax practices are at the core of Finnfund’s work as a development financier and impact investor. Finnfund’s mission is to promote economic and social development in developing countries. For this to take place, target countries require tax revenue and payment of other fees. Tax revenue and other tax-like fees paid by companies to the public sector in developing countries constitute one of the development aims of Finnfund’s work with the companies it finances. Human rights management system Finnfund’s responsible tax practices are guided by our tax policy. We believe that responsible tax practices are at the core of Finnfund’s work as a development financier and impact investor. Finnfund’s mission is to promote economic and social development in developing countries. For this to take place, target countries require tax revenue and payment of other fees. Climate accounting Climate change mitigation and adaptation are among Finnfund’s key objectives and development achievements. This work is based on our Sustainability Policy, Exclusion list, and Climate and Energy Statement. Finnfund assesses the climate effects of every investment as part of the investment process leading to an investment decision, as well as annually during each respective investment period. This includes an assessment of the absolute emissions of investments, avoided emissions of energy investments, and carbon removals of forestry projects. Climate risk assessment and identification of adaptation opportunities Addressing climate change is one of Finnfund’s key objectives. This work is based on our Sustainability Policy, Exclusion list, and Climate and Energy Statement, and builds on identifying physical climate risks and corresponding adaptation opportunities. Through our processes we ultimately aim to increase the climate resilience of our investments.