Our work in practice

In these articles, we explain how we implement some of our policies and policy statements in practice – step by step.

You may also learn more about our work in our annual reports and impact stories.

Plant with soil in a person's hands

Climate risk assessment and identification of adaptation opportunities

Addressing climate change is one of Finnfund’s key objectives. Finnfund assesses the climate risks of every investment as part of our investment process. This includes an assessment of both physical climate risks as well as transition risks.

Climate accounting

Finnfund assesses the climate effects of every investment as part of the investment process leading to an investment decision, as well as annually during each respective investment period.

Human rights management system

Respecting and promoting human rights are at the very core of Finnfund’s work. In this article we explain, step-by-step, how our human rights due diligence works in practice and how we identify the projects that require human rights assessments going beyond what is covered in the IFC PS and the ILO CLS.

Responsible tax principles

Tax revenue and other tax-like fees paid by companies to the public sector in developing countries constitute one of the development aims of Finnfund’s work with the companies it finances.


Person standing in green landscape

From buffer zones to digitalisation – advancing biodiversity in practice

Nature and biodiversity have gained increased attention across different sectors in recent years, as…
Three persons looking at a mobile phone's screen

Driving women’s digital inclusion is essential to gender equality

Advancing gender equality is a cross-cutting strategic priority at Finnfund. Our aim is to…
View over Nairobi with Finnfund and ILX logos

Opportunities for impact investing in emerging markets 20 March in Helsinki

Impact investment seminar for institutional investors Time: Thursday 20 March 9-12 (breakfast available from…

Finnfund’s follow-on investment to Fibertime Group advances digital inclusion in South Africa with the help of Nokia technology

Finnfund has made a follow-on investment of 2 million euros to Fibertime Group enabling…

Heikki Cantell appointed as the new chair of the Finnfund Board of Directors

Heikki Cantell, the General Counsel and Secretary General at the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB),…

Finnish investors support the electric vehicle business in India

OP Finnfund Global Impact Fund I, the first Finnish global emerging markets impact fund,…

Finnfund boosts green and women-owned enterprises in Mongolia with an Investment in XacBank

Finnfund invests in XacBank, one of the leading banks in Mongolia, to boost green…

The art of avocado farming in Kilimanjaro

In the north of Tanzania, under the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, and abutting its…

Finnfund participates in a 200 million US dollar syndicated facility for Khan Bank to support green financing and MSME financial inclusion

In a significant move towards sustainable development and economic empowerment, FMO, the Dutch entrepreneurial…

Finnfund’s website renewed

Finnfund has renewed the company website. The aim has been to both renew the…