Human rights statement

Finnfund holds human rights in high regard and conducts its business with respect for, and a view to promote internationally recognized human rights.

Respecting and promoting human rights are at the very core of Finnfund’s work as a development financier and responsible impact investor. It is also among the key themes in our work.

Finnfund endeavours to actively and continuously identify, avoid, mitigate and manage potential and actual adverse human right impacts related to its transactions, and take actions to address them using the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) as a practical framework.

In 2019, Finnfund adopted a human rights statement, which is an integral part of Finnfund’s Environmental and Social Policy.

Discussions and consultations of stakeholders and experts have played a key role in the preparation of the human rights statement.

Finnfund’s human rights statement can be accessed from the link below.

External review of the Human Rights Statement

Two years after adopting the Human rights statement, it was time to review the statement and its implementation. The review, finalised at the end of 2021, was conducted by Pillar Two, a Australian-based business and human rights advisory firm. The review consisted of:  

  • a benchmarking exercise based on public documents   
  • and a gap analysis based on internal documents and interviews with seven internal stakeholders and six external stakeholder organisations. 

The report can be accessed from the link below.

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