Early Dawn Microfinance Company Ltd

In brief

Save the Children Myanmar started the Dawn Microfinance Program in 2002. Over the following 13 years, Dawn became a successful microfinance program lending to women-owned businesses in the peri-urban areas of Yangon. In March 2015, the program was transformed into a regulated microfinance company, capitalised by Accion, FMO, and Triodos. Today, Early Dawn Microfinance Company Limited serves over 200,000 clients through 61 branches in six regions across Myanmar. In terms of client outreach, DAWN is the third-largest MFI in Myanmar. The fast growth of DAWN’s loan portfolio, 82% CAGR since 2016, reflects the country's huge market potential for the microfinance industry.

Main development impact

DAWN plays an important role in contributing to financial inclusion by serving Myanmar's low-income segments and small businesses in underserved townships and peri-urban areas. The entire loan portfolio focuses on financing the financially un/underserved women. These loans will help to enhance economic activities and improve livelihoods. DAWN promotes actively responsible business practices and provides extensive financial literacy training to all its clients. Through its extensive branch network, it has a good presence in rural areas, and thus, DAWN helps to increase the financial inclusion of rural clients.

Investment details

Name: Early Dawn Microfinance Company Ltd
Project number: 80000163
Region: Asia
Country: Myanmar
Sector: Financial institution
Signing date (month/year): November 2020
Currency: USD
Finnfund's financing (commitment): 11,000,000
Instrument: Loan
Size of the project financing: USD 100,000,000
Share of Finnfund's financing (%): 11 %
Status: Active
Website: https://www.dawn.com.mm/

Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year.


Key facts


Early Dawn Microfinance Company Ltd


Financial institution







Finnfund's financing (commitment):


Signing date (month/year):

November 2020

Last update:

December 2020