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Mærne þeoden, þa him wæs manna þearf. Ðone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas lythwon logon, þeah he him leof wære; hwetton higerofne, hæl sceawedon. Hæfde se goda Geata leoda cempan gecorone þara þe he cenoste findan mihte; fif-tyna sum sundwudu sohte; secg wisade, lagucræftig mon, landgemyrcu. Fyrst forð gewat. Flota wæs on yðum. Bat under beorge. Beornas gearwe on stefn stigon; streamas wundon, sund wið sande; secgas bæron on bearm nacan beorhte frætwe, guðsearo geatolic; guman ut scufon, weras on wilsið, wudu bundenne. Gewat þa ofer wægholm, winde gefysed, flota famiheals fugle gelicost, oðþæt ymb antid oþres dogores wundenstefna gewaden hæfde.
Þæt ða liðende land gesawon, brimclifu blican, beorgas steape, side sænæssas; þa wæs sund liden, eoletes æt ende. Þanon up hraðe Wedera leode on wang stigon, sæwudu sældon (syrcan hrysedon, guðgewædo), gode þancedon þæs þe him yþlade eaðe wurdon. Þa of wealle geseah weard Scildinga, se þe holmclifu healdan scolde. Beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas, fyrdsearu fuslicu; hine fyrwyt bræc modgehygdum, hwæt þa men wæron. Gewat him þa to waroðe wicge ridan þegn Hroðgares, þrymmum cwehte mægenwudu mundum, meþelwordum frægn: “Hwæt syndon ge searohæbbendra, byrnum werede, þe þus brontne ceol ofer lagustræte lædan cwomon, hider ofer holmas? Ic hwile wæs.
Endesæta, ægwearde heold, þe on land Dena laðra nænig mid scipherge sceðþan ne meahte. No her cuðlicor cuman ongunnon lindhæbbende; ne ge leafnesword guðfremmendra gearwe ne wisson, maga gemedu. Næfre ic maran geseah eorla ofer eorþan ðonne is eower sum, secg on searwum; nis þæt seldguma, wæpnum geweorðad, næfne him his wlite leoge. Ænlic ansyn. Nu ic eower sceal frumcyn witan, ær ge fyr heonan, leassceaweras, on land Dena furþur feran. Nu ge feorbuend, mereliðende, minne gehyrað anfealdne geþoht: Ofost is selest to gecyðanne hwanan eowre cyme syndon.” Him se yldesta ondswarode, werodes wisa, wordhord onleac: “We synt gumcynnes Geata leode.
Ond Higelaces heorðgeneatas. Wæs min fæder folcum gecyþed, æþele ordfruma, Ecgþeow haten. Gebad wintra worn, ær he on weg hwurfe, gamol of geardum; hine gearwe geman witena welhwylc wide geond eorþan. We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne, sunu Healfdenes, secean cwomon, leodgebyrgean; wes þu us larena god. Habbað we to þæm mæran micel ærende. Deniga frean, ne sceal þær dyrne sum wesan, þæs ic wene. Þu wast (gif hit is swa we soþlice secgan hyrdon) þæt mid Scyldingum sceaðona ic nat hwylc, deogol dædhata, deorcum nihtum eaweð þurh egsan uncuðne nið, hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg þurh rumne sefan ræd gelæran, hu he frod ond god feond oferswyðeþ, gyf him edwendan æfre scolde.
Bealuwa bisigu, bot eft cuman, ond þa cearwylmas colran wurðaþ; oððe a syþðan earfoðþrage, þreanyd þolað, þenden þær wunað on heahstede husa selest.” Weard maþelode, ðær on wicge sæt, ombeht unforht: “æghwæþres sceal scearp scyldwiga gescad witan, worda ond worca, se þe wel þenceð. Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod. Frean Scyldinga. Gewitaþ forð beran wæpen ond gewædu; ic eow wisige. Swylce ic maguþegnas mine hate wið feonda gehwone flotan eowerne, niwtyrwydne nacan on sande arum healdan, oþðæt eft byreð ofer lagustreamas leofne mannan wudu wundenhals to Wedermearce, godfremmendra swylcum gifeþe bið þæt þone hilderæs hal gedigeð.”.