Etusivu Ajankohtaista ja julkaisutUutisetHaemme viestintäjohtajaa Uutiset|22.3.2021Haemme viestintäjohtajaa Finnfund is a Finnish development financier and professional impact investor. We build a sustainable world by investing in responsible and profitable businesses in developing countries. Each year we invest 200–250 million euros in 20-30 projects, emphasising renewable energy, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, and financial institutions. Today Finnfund’s investments and commitments total about 957 million euros, half of them in Africa. The company has about 90 employees. Would you like to be part of our growth and success? Do you want to make your own contribution to sustainable development globally? We are looking for a Director of Communications for a fixed term starting on June 1st to replace the permanent Director during his secondment. The Director of Communications will be responsible for the development and execution of Finnfund’s strategic communications with current and future investee companies, shareholders, and other key stakeholders in business, government, politics, and civil society. He or she will contribute to Finnfund’s overall management with a particular view to building Finnfund’s brand and reputation and leveraging communications as a tool for meeting the company’s strategic objectives. The Director will lead a communications team and work closely with teams across the company to boost their capacity and willingness to communicate with their respective key audiences. We can offer you a key role in a fast-growing development finance company and Finland’s leading impact investor. You will get the opportunity to make your contribution to meeting pressing global challenges, from climate change to COVID response to gender equality. To be successful in this role, you should have: A proven track record of leading communications with a broad range of audiences and stakeholders; Management experience; Strong personal communications skills with the ability to speak and write persuasively in English and Finnish; An existing network of domestic and international media contacts; Experience in leveraging digital communication channels and social media; Proven crisis communications skills and the ability to perform under heavy pressure; Experience in working with political decision-makers and influencers; Experience in international business, preferably with exposure to developing markets and to the financial sector; A good understanding of global development challenges and development policy objectives of the Finnish government; A good understanding of corporate sustainability issues and requirements; Relevant education; Preparedness to travel in developing countries (once safe after the COVID-19). We are based in Helsinki. Corporate responsibility is a core value for us also as an employer. We promote and monitor equality and encourage our employees to carry out continuous learning and professional improvement. Employee well-being, work-life balance, and job satisfaction are important to us. Finnfund offers its employees’ healthcare services that go beyond what the law requires and we support our people’s sports and cultural activities. Through this, Finnfund motivates its employees to take care of their well-being and health. For more information, please contact Managing Director Jaakko Kangasniemi, tel. +358 40 577 7676 or We look forward to receiving your application by April 5th, 2021 at the latest. Please attach your CV and salary request with your application here. We encourage applications from qualified individuals with diverse backgrounds. We are committed to having a team that is made up of diverse skills, experience, and abilities. Read more about Finnfund as an employer Kategoriat: UutisetTöissä Finnfundissa2021 Jaa: Link to Linkedin Link to Facebook Link to Twitter Link to Bluesky Viimeisimmät uutiset: Kaikki uutiset Uutiset 20.12.2024 Finnfundin verkkosivut uudistuivat Finnfund on uudistanut verkkosivustonsa. Tavoitteena on ollut sekä uudistaa tekninen julkaisujärjestelmä että päivittää sisältöä… Uutiset 19.12.2024 Finnfundille AA+-luottoluokitus Fitch Ratingilta Luottoluokituslaitos Fitch Ratings on myöntänyt kehitysrahoittaja ja vaikuttavuussijoittaja Finnfundille luottoluokituksen AA+ negatiivisin näkymin. 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