Etusivu Ajankohtaista ja julkaisutUutisetAvoin työpaikka: Investointijohtaja (Chief Investment Officer) Uutiset|19.10.2023Avoin työpaikka: Investointijohtaja (Chief Investment Officer) Finnfund is a Finnish development financier and impact investor. We build a sustainable future and generate lasting impact by investing in businesses that solve global development challenges. We invest 200–250 million euros in 20–30 companies in developing countries each year. Our focus sectors include digital instrastructure, sustainable forestry and agriculture, financial institutions, and clean energy. Today Finnfund’s investments, commitments and investment decisions total about 1.22 billion euros, half of them in Africa. The company has 100 employees based in Helsinki and Nairobi. Do you want to help shape global sustainable development? Would you like to be part of our growth and success? We are now looking for a Chief Investment Officer for a full-time, permanent position in Helsinki. What you will be doing Finnfund is mandated to provide long-term financing for economically feasible private-sector projects in emerging markets. At the end of 2022, Finnfund’s portfolio contained 191 investments in 55 countries. We invest in debt, equity, or mezzanine instruments. As Chief Investment Officer, you will lead Finnfund’s investment operations and serve as a member of our Management Team. We expect our investments to be environmentally and socially sustainable, to generate positive development impacts in their operating countries, and to offer an appropriate risk-adjusted return. Who we are looking for An ideal candidate is a seasoned investment professional with excellent leadership skills and experience in leading a modern expert organisation. You have a proven track record in both private equity and private debt, preferably from originating, negotiating, managing, and exiting investments in emerging markets. People and the planet are at the core of every investment decision made at Finnfund, and it is essential that you feel motivated by our vision, mission, and values. Familiarity with development finance and/or impact investing would be appreciated. Being well-connected with Finnish businesses and financiers is an advantage, as we are happy to invest in projects involving cooperation with Finnish companies and co-investors. Excellent writing and communication skills in English are a prerequisite, while fluency in other languages such as Finnish, French or Spanish and broad international experience are considered assets. You will be representing Finnfund both in Finland and globally, which is why willingness and ability to interact with different stakeholder groups and excellent communication skills are appreciated. In today’s hybrid working environment, excellent information technology skills are required. What we offer This position is a key role in a growing development finance company and Finland’s leading impact investor. You will get the opportunity to contribute globally and make a difference. You will work together with an enthusiastic team of investment professionals with solid experience in impact investing in developing countries and emerging markets. Get in touch For more information about the position, please contact CEO Jaakko Kangasniemi, tel. +358 40 577 7676 preferably on Friday 20 October between 3-4 pm or on Monday 23 October between 3-4 pm. We look forward to receiving your application by Sunday 29 October, 2023 at the latest. Please attach your CV and salary request with your application via this link: Application, Chief Investment Officer We encourage applications from qualified individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. While we have a common vision, we value a team made up of diverse skills, experiences, and abilities. 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