Avoin työpaikka: Haemme analyytikkoa ympäristö- ja yhteiskuntavastuutiimiin

Finnfund is a Finnish development financier and professional impact investor. We build a sustainable world by investing in responsible and profitable businesses in developing countries. Each year we invest 200–250 million euros in 20-30 projects, emphasising renewable energy, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, financial institutions and digital infrastructure and solutions. Today Finnfund’s investments and commitments total about 1.070 billion euros, half of them in Africa. The company has about 90 employees.

We are looking for a dynamic Environmental and Social Analyst

for a full-time, permanent position in Helsinki.

What you will be doing

We are looking for a sustainability-minded, dynamic analyst for Finnfund’s environmental and social (E&S) team.

The E&S analyst follows the requirements for sustainable investing and actively participates in the development of Finnfund’s environmental and social work and the development of the required tools with the supporting team. The E&S team is part of Finnfund’s sustainability and impact operations. The analyst reports to the E&S team manager.

The duties of an environmental and social analyst include:
• identifying and monitoring the environmental and social aspects of selected, lower-risk projects according to Finnfund’s investment process, including climate risk
• evaluation and monitoring of human rights in projects
• participation in the development of E&S tools and practices
• other relevant tasks included in the analyst work

Who we are looking for

A successful candidate for this position
• holds an appropriate university degree (environmental and/or social focus)
• has relevant work experience at least 2 years
• has the ability to act and communicate constructively as a team member and with the stakeholders
• has experience from working in a multicultural environment, practical experience in our target countries is of advantage
• has a strong interest in Sustainable Development Goals and responsible business
• has knowledge of the corporate sector and corporate finance. Knowledge of the IFC Performance Standards often used in private sector investment is of advantage
• is able to to work in English while Finnish, Spanish and/or French and/or Portuguese skills are considered an asset
• has analytical and systematic data processing skills
• holds a self-motivating and initiative-taking mindset and has an ability to learn quickly
• is able to start as soon as possible, or by appointment

What’s in it for you

We offer a unique opportunity to work as a development finance professional focusing on impact, profitability and sustainability. You will be based in Helsinki. Employee well-being, work-life balance and job satisfaction are important to Finnfund and we offer our employees’ health care services that go beyond what the law requires, and we support our people’s sports and cultural activities. Through this, Finnfund motivates its employees to take care of their well-being and health. Read more about Finnfund as an employer here.

Get in touch

For more information, please contact Manager, Environmental and Social Riikka Thomson, tel. +358 406 341 357 between 11:00 and 12:30 (Helsinki time) on January 10, 2022 or between 14:00 and 15:30 (Helsinki time) on January 11, 2022 or Nina Kalajoki at MPS tel. +358 20 746 9413. We look forward to receiving your application by 16 January 2022 at the latest. Please attach your CV and salary request with your application here.

We encourage applications from qualified individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. We are committed to having a team that is made up of diverse skills, experiences, and abilities.


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