Polykrome S.A.

Two persons moving cardboard boxes in a warehouse

In brief

Polykrome is one of Senegal’s largest industrial printing companies, which has begun to refocus its business from printing and graphics to packaging solutions such as cardboard and plastic film labels, which local consumer goods manufacturers mainly use. Finnfund’s loan is part of a financing package syndicated by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. It will be used to expand the company’s production and relocate its existing facilities to a new industrial site. The aim is to support local production of packaging solutions and foster local production and distribution of consumer goods.

Main development impact

Polykrome is an SME company in an LDC country with limited access to funding from local financial institutions. With the funding provided by Finnfund and IFC, the company is committed to developing and expanding its operations sustainably, e.g. by introducing best practices in building the new facilities. The investment will support the development of the packaging sector in Senegal and decrease the pressure to import packaging from abroad. By supporting a local company to provide packaging solutions to local consumer goods producers, the investment may also facilitate the expansion of the local goods market and reduce food waste, a significant problem in developing countries and hot and humid environments such as Senegal. As the company produces packaging for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), typically used by the poorest segments of society, the project may also widen the variety and quality of products provided for the poorest.

Investment details

Name: Polykrome S.A.
Project number: 80000108
Region: Africa
Country: Senegal
Sector: Other sector
Signing date (month/year): July 2018
Currency: EUR
Finnfund's financing (commitment): 4,000,000
Size of the project financing: EUR 10,500,000
Share of Finnfund's financing (%): 38 %
Status: Active
Website: www.polykrome.sn

Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year.


Key facts


Polykrome S.A.


Other sector







Finnfund's financing (commitment):


Signing date (month/year):

July 2018

Last update:

May 2019