Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV

Network engineer working in server room. Connecting network cables to switches

In brief

Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV (HCGF IV) is a USD 300 million target private equity fund that will provide growth equity capital to high-quality, fast-growing SME and mid-cap technology (IT) and export-oriented companies in Ukraine and Moldova. Finnfund’s investment will support these companies’ continued growth, as these companies are in much need of capital, which is in very short supply due to the war in Ukraine. The companies’ growth will, in turn, lead to job creation, including jobs for women. HCGF IV is the first fund in Eastern Europe which has been qualified as a 2X Challenge Flagship Fund. The Fund will strive to invest in female entrepreneurs and support gender parity in its portfolio companies, noting that women are underrepresented in the technology/IT sector, in general, and in Ukraine. HCGF IV will be managed by the Ukrainian-based Horizon Capital. The Horizon team have been investing in Ukraine and Moldova since the mid-1990s, and Horizon Capital currently has more than USD 1,2 billion in Assets under Management. HCGF IV is the Manager’s 6th fund.

Main development impact

Qualitative value add proposition and support to companies. Creating and supporting meaningful, well-paying jobs, especially for women. 2X Flagship Fund, the first to be qualified in Eastern Europe.

Investment details

Name: Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV
Project number: 80000442
Region: Europe and Central Asia
Country: Ukraine, Moldova
Sector: General fund
Signing date (month/year): April 2023
Currency: USD
Finnfund's financing (commitment): 15,000,000
Instrument: Fund
Status: Active
Website: https://horizoncapital.com.ua/

Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year.

Companies financed by the fund

Name Sector Region Country
ITGlobal Group OÜ Education Europe and Central Asia Ukraine
Preply, Inc Education Europe and Central Asia Ukraine

Key facts


Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV


General fund


Europe and Central Asia


Ukraine, Moldova



Finnfund's financing (commitment):


Signing date (month/year):

April 2023

Last update:

September 2024