Ecobank Transnational Incorporated

In brief

Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Lomé, Togo, Ecobank provides consumer and commercial banking, corporate and investment banking to over 29 million customers, ranging from individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, regional and multinational corporations, financial institutions, international organisations, and governments. Ecobank is present in 33 African countries and employs over 14,000 people. Ecobank mandated Standard Chartered plc to arrange USD 300-500 million ten-year Fixed Rate Reset Tier 2 Sustainability Notes issue to be allocated to fund green and/or social projects. This note issue is the first benchmark-sized sustainable/green Eurobond and the first Tier 2 Basel III bond from Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa).

Main development impact

The net proceeds of the issuance of the notes shall be used to fund green and/or social projects according to the Issuer’s Sustainable Finance Framework. Most of Ecobank’s operating countries are least-developed countries (LDCs), where access to finance is improved by strengthening the capital base. The bank has ambitious growth targets resulting in increased access, diversified financial services, and enhanced digitalisation of banking services. The bank is also committed to reducing remittance costs through digital solutions.

Investment details

Name: Ecobank Transnational Incorporated
Project number: 80000047
Region: Africa
Country: Togo
Sector: Financial institution
Signing date (month/year): June 2021
Currency: USD
Finnfund's financing (commitment): 10,000,000
Instrument: Mezzanine
Size of the project financing: USD 350,000,000
Share of Finnfund's financing (%): 2,90 %
Status: Active

Please note, that in principle, this information is given at the time of signature according to Finnfund's disclosure policy. However, in the case of investment funds, the share of Finnfund’s financing (%) is disclosed after the fund’s final closing, and information on the portfolio companies financed by the fund is updated at least once a year.


Key facts


Ecobank Transnational Incorporated


Financial institution







Finnfund's financing (commitment):


Signing date (month/year):

June 2021

Last update:

September 2021